Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Oreo-Smiley Mcflurry. =)

Just after a warm warm bath with LOONEY TUNES B & B Kids Melon Extract SHOWER GEL with Triclosan and Jojoba Oil!
Sounds so like advertising for them.
I like the smell.


I've got my Oreo Mcflurry today, early in the morning, around 8am.
You people will never know how excited and happy and thankful and how I look when I got it.
Terharu betul.
If not because of the table that blocking me, I think I'll throw my arms around you!
Alright, maybe not until like that laa..
Seriously, when I saw you walked in the class with that Oreo Mcflurry, and seeing the ice-cream was like still not melted as though Mc'Donalds is just right downstaird of the campus.
Words couldn't describe how touched I was.

A promise.
It's so difficult to get someone who actually fulfill a promise nowadays.
And there's a warm flavour in my ice-cream - smiley. =)
A thousand, a million thanks to you, my dear friend!
You lighten up my day!
And you're not Benjamin!

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