Saturday, December 8, 2007

Sweden and Swedish?

I chatted with Sam this afternoon during work.

Our topic of chatting were no other than Sweden. Haha!

Two Swedish lover busy chit chat about Sweden from the busy hour til the free hour.


What can I say?

I just can't help falling in love with that country, and with them.

Darn. I'm so dead!

Sweden is like so far!

They are like so so far from Malaysia.

I really really miss them lots!

Sam went to Sweden for like 2 months earlier this year.

According to her, she spent about RM 16,000 for that 2 months including air tickets. (Please note that she was staying in her aunt's house.)

Means that her accomadation wasn't included in the RM 16,ooo laa...

My heart broken, straight on the spot.

To visit Sweden seems to be so so impossible for me in the mean time.

I don't have relatives in Sweden who can provide me a shelter.

Sobs. ='(

Then, we continue talking about her stay in Sweden.

About Swedish food and daily expenses and etc.

That's when I suddenly remember that I have few of my uncles who are in Norway.

I told Sam about that.


Norway is very near to Sweden. *Yippy!*

So I have a shelter when I want to visit Sweden.

I told the parents about my plan.

I will save money for the air ticket and some extra pocket money, which will take me about few years or so.

After that, I'll fly to Norway, to my uncles' place.

Since they open a Chinese restaurant in Norway, I'll be working for them to earn some money.

For maybe a month plus.

Then, off I go travel to Sweden.

Huhu. ^^


Alright, from today onwards, I must really save all my money.
Will not use them on unnecessary stuffs anymore.
I must mean what I say!
I want to go to Sweden laa...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What makes you want to go to sweden so much!?
I’m curios.
I want to travel to Egypt and Italy to look at old stuff basically.

Whats in Sweden that you want to see? =)