Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Why so HOT?!

The weather today is super HOT til I want to jump inside the swimming pool.

My car merajuk and the temperature keep going up.

I was half dead after driving without air-cond.

I was the bf's camera person.

I went to 3K Sports Complex badminton court and randomly asked permission to shoot a short clip.

I accidently bump into Bernard in 3K Sports Complex and asked him and friend to help in a shot.

3K Sports Complex don't let me shoot their swimming pool. *emo*

We had A & W waffle. No taste at all.

Bf's ying yong was nicer than my hokkien mee.

I'm feeling so sleepy that I can drop flat on bed anytime, but I still have to do my sales letter. ><

Stupid mosquitoes keep sucking my blood and I have red spot everywhere wtf. ITCHY RAWR!

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