Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I just asked RM90 from daddy for the fee of guitar class.
My purse is sooo empty, extremely empty, less than RM10.
Tell me, how to ask money for the second time in a day.
How? How? How? =/
Somebody teach me please?


Today until before I blog was a good day for me. (Note: until BEFORE I blog)
Presentation went on well, had good interaction with someone in the group particularly.
I thought everything can be so call settle after almost a week.
Well, I think, I was too naive to have this kind of thought.
The problem is still there.
It's like a snow ball now, rolling all the way from the peak of the moutain, down the way, bigger and bigger and bigger.
I couldn't stop the snow ball from rolling.

I remember, someone told me before
We need quality friends, NOT quntity friends.
I guess.
This time, I truly understand the meaning behind this phrase.
Seriously, I don't see any point in holding to the last few threads of the almost broken rope of the friendship.
I rather fall and die.

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