Saturday, July 12, 2008

I don't like.

I tell you stupid Police Diraja and MBPJ!
UTAR students are not that rich to pay all the summons you all gave us!
Bloody hell, if we got parking then we won't even double park.
Let's not talk about double park...
The whole 13/6 streets, only got like, the most also 30 parkings which have yellow boxes, the rest of the cars usually park along behind the white lines.
Yesterday, even white lines get summons.
Thanks to Chan for inform me about the summon attack.
I was rounding around till those stupid MBPJ people went off.
Wasted my petrol and I have to off engine and wait in the car to save petrol.

UTAR student rep who claimed you got ways to deal with MBPJ about the summon issue,
Please settle this asap, I damn sick of this already.

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