Monday, April 28, 2008
Hightlight of The Day.
1. Alice is getting mini bolster soon! ^^
2. Alice drove Munmun's kelisa to Klang!
3. Alice rejected a 1 month road show! ><
4. Alice break record again!
5. Alice's dad just gave her RM50!
6. Alice wish that Nigel will spend much more lesser time on his second love and love her more! (Okay, just kidding dear =p)
7. Alice is feeling hyper but getting her bum back to revision!
Bye people!
Happy studying!
Sweet dream!
Sleep tight!
Love ya!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Hold me tightly.
Madness. Disappointment. Sad. Hurt.
That explain all.
I don't feel like smiling, yet I have to.
To be in the service line, the smiley is the most important.
It's tiring.
I wanted to come home earlier.
I wanted to just give one bloody excuse and get rid of working.
I seriously wanted to.
I didn't get to see daddy and bro yesterday, eventhough we are staying in the same house.
So many times since I started my part-time job.
And every Saturday, after I finish work and reach home at midnight 12 something, everyone will be sleeping by then.
Online is my only activity.
To talk to dear about everything.
Now, I cannot remember when was the last time I cried.
Now, I'm listening to emo melody.
Now, I'm crying.
Now, I seriously want Nigel to be right next to me.
Now, I so need a mini bolster.
Now, what should I do to stop crying?
Friday, April 25, 2008
I got many many cars!
We went to 99 Speedmart to get chocs bar for Jo. So yea, Nigel said he will get one for me too. Huhu ^^
I was standing in front of those choco bars, scanning through what to get. Hmmm...
Then I saw my childhood fav fav!
The one I've been bugging him to buy for me but he was too lazy to go look around.
See.. Now I found it myself, and 99 Speedmart is so near to your house! ><
Nevermind. Happy enough.
Today was memang adventurous la.
Painted his middle finger with ORANGE HIGHTLIGHTER. *half a peace*
Btw, studied till so tired wei till at the end I don't know what went in to my brain. Sleepy dy when it was almost 5pm and I got disctracted and I joined him along lazy on the sofa while waiting for Auntie to come back from work and I doze off at one corner. ZzzZzz....
Then, I heard the key unlocking the gate. I open my eyes.
The first person I saw was Uncle coming out from his room looking at me sleeping at one corner so ugly the hair so messy. O.o
Omg so paiseh please I want to dig a hole and hide my face.
This Nigel was sleeping at the other corner, no wonder so quiet nobody woke me up.
And I met Auntie. =)
After that, Alice (me and Jo kepit the skinnie bone Nigel while he playing his lamest ever hp game, Magnetic Joe. Muahahaha XD
Then, I balik.
Aiyoh, this morning ah, I stress kau-kau.
Couldn't finish revision and was rushing through the notes and being so panic cause it was almost time. =/
Of course, I went in without finish rushing the notes. Rather worried.
Open the paper.
Ohh! It is exactly like the tips! But then, I din finish my reading. ==
What is Karma? What is Keramat? Main hentam only.
Please la, I just want to get rid of this CNR paper and throw away all the notes. Seriously want to go siao reading all these cultural thingy. wtf.
One definition got so many versions. Too free la all these orang tua.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Call me Nerd.
One bus broke down on the way to NPE.
I missed the traffic reports and so I stuck there for like almost half an hour to 45 minutes.
The Radio Broadcasting test starting 9am.
I haven finish my revision.
And I was still on my way when it was 8.30am.
Imagine how scared were both me and sis.
Both also having exams at 9am.
Disaster wei if we were late.
Once I reached uni, Nigel told me that there's changes on certain question.
Then, he roughly explain to me and managed to get me memorize the points in just 10 minutes.
Get into exam hall like last minutes.
I din bring my water bottle.
Haiyo, I was too gan cheong already.
Open the paper.
Term and definitions.
All are okay, except from RIBBON MIC?!
Since when Dr. Yap said she will comes out with this term?
This was our midterm question.
With out brilliant short-term-memory, what make you think that we will still remember what we studied for a moth or two ago.
Darn. This is bad.
Then, when I flip to the essay questions.
Why got script all that?
I mana ada idea?
Simply hentam saja.
I was still holding on a ray of hope of getting an A- perhaps?
Now, my A- say byebye to me already.
Sad betul.
Now, C N R another big time headache subject.
I haven get started with anything.
Blur and lazy.
I'm reading based on the tips only.
Don't know how am I going to die in the exam tomorrow?
Ugly.. =/
Someody please tell me how to focus?
I get distracted every 5-10 minutes nowadays.
I cannot sit still and focus.
Cannot read notes for more than half an hour without doing other things.
I suddenly missed those time where I was a nerd that can lock myself in the study room and study for the whole day without getting distracted, can read and memorize notes like super fast.
I seriously missed all those days.
Sob sob. ='(
I guess.
People do changed as time goes on.
Ohh, btw.
Did I tell you that?
I'm so love the new washing machine!
So random.
Monday, April 21, 2008
5 minutes before time.
English for Mass Communication is done.
Left 4 more papers to go.
Stomach suddenly pain like hell after I finish the paper.
Till almost see stars spinning around my head. *.*
I wanted to box my stomach till it kemek.
Bloated like don't know what only.
Ish ish.
I managed to finish the paper like... 5 minutes before time limit.
Consider good for me.
The previous time of English paper I sure do until last minute and will scribble my long essay all the way in 15 minutes.
Usually the handwriting will make the marker go O.o
Messy kau-kau like worms crawling on papers.
For this time, we were doing this paper in PB Auditorium.
I thought will be better doing there, mana tau...
The chairs damn high, us the shorties sit till neck and back also pain.
Legs cannot sampai the floor and the tables are lower.
Stupid UTAR management!
Washing machine coming tonight!
Can throw all my clothes inside dy.
Yay yay!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Notty notty.
I keep disturbing Nigel.
I'm not focusing on my revision.
I have a lot of notty thoughts playing in my mind.=.=
I'm thinking of the trip after exam.
I want to play and play and play and don't want to sit for exams can ah?
I'm craving for hugs hugs and muacks muacks...
*shakes head*
Please ah, Alice!
Get back to your studies now.
Don't think bout notty things now.
Must stay focus!
Time oh time,
can you please spin faster?
I beh tahan already.
Why is it so slow when it comes to exams?
Ish ish.
I don't know what I want to blog about already.
Siao abit.
Study week or lazy week?
I din wash and fold my clothes as how the plan supposed to be.
Was too sleepy and lazy to do so.
So yea, I drag my work again.
Seriously have to get rid of this bad habit laaa...
My revision plan also don't go that smoothly now.
Plain laziness.
Period came just right before I go to work.
This is definately not a good news.
And, by the time I almost finish work just now.
I can hardly stand straight.
Stomach bloated like dy pregnant for a month. ><
Want to manja-manja also nobody can manja with.
I hate period.
Friday, April 18, 2008
BODOHS please don't come in my way.
I'll blog about me being the promoter of Antabax antibacterial shower cream.
ONLY after I finish my 3 weeks contract laa...
Wait til I gather all the pics and I finish my exam then also if I got mood to blog.
Don't know?
See how lu...
This morning, I went to Easy Pharmax HQ with mommy, to collect the RM300 worth of products I won from the contest.
Seriously, if you ask me, what are those products I won?
I'll tell you, I don't know.
Cause I din even look at it.
I gave them all to mommy, too sleepy to bother.
Then, she met up with a friend outside the meeting room, when I went to the washroom.
I was kinda stoned.
Eyes damn small cause before I came out from the house I put Eyemo with my lenses on and end up my eyes lagi dry and the lense sucks on my eyeball and I have to take out and wear it back again and my eyes become red red.
Okay, after greet that auntie I continue messaging Nigel.
I saw that auntie hands the pink paper bag to mommy and mommy gave her the 8oo++ worth of cheque.
My next month pay wei.
Gone like that. =/
The pink paper bag contains the skincare products.
800++ also after 25 percent discount.
So, means ah before discount that set of skincare products worth 1000++! O.o
Expensive giler babi banana!
Oyy, daddy! Why so unfair mommy get to purchased 1000++ worth of skincare products, when I only get those 10++ cheapplat skincare products. So unfair la you. Sad betul. ='(
After reach home, straight online.
Thought want to do some reading, but then I was so sleepy and my brain works so slow like kambing. ==
Not long after that, lunch time.
Food all masuk stomach, I full full, brain works lagi slowly, I mati!
I went to take nap after that.
I forgotten I silent-ed the phone, so I can't hear the alarm, and so I got to nap for another 10 minutes before sis woke me up.
Okay, at last can start my reading.
But I'm still so slow, but was progressing. =p
Halfway, mommy ask me to get some groceries for her.
Revision plan tergendala again.
I went to Big Bookshop to get some stationeries, too, before I head to the 99 Speedmart.
This cashier in 99 Speedmart seriouslyBODOH laa!
She go and put 2 bottles of sauces with the cucumber and butter.
Use your butt to think also you know this is so gonna kemekkan the cucumber.
I seriously think she got no brain la...
Not like you can save much plastic bag also.
Just when I was about to pay, came this few of the Indonesian workers.
Want to jump queue.
All came squeezing, and laughing, and kacau-ing the cashier.
L.O.A betul wth!
Cannot see I'm paying is it?
Also another bunch of BODOH!
Damn feel like kicking all their balls.
On the way back, saw another BODOH!
A Malay budak.
He was playing baseball/softball/whatever ball as long as is not his balls with his brother.
When I passed by right, he pulak look at me and wants to throw his baseball/softball/whatever ball as long as not his balls towards my car.
Oyy budak, kau ni jangan melampau! Nanti aku tampar kau, kau jangan nangis cari bapa engkau! BODOH!
Why so many BODOHS near my area?
Finaly, I'm done with all the terms for Radio Broacasting.
Am gonna read through points for essays soon.
Ohh, one good news I got from the parents today.
The new washing machine going to arrive in a week or two.
Yippy! =D
I won't have to wash my clothes till neck, back and butt also aching dy.
*Shakes bum bum*
Plan for tomorrow
1) Wash clothes. (Not yet wash my working top for Antabax. XP)
2) Fold clothes. (Dad was nagging about it ealier. =/ )
3) Do some reading on Cultural and Religion. (Nigel is now reminding me about it.)
4) Nap. (I predict myself gonna feel sleepy, and Nigel once again read my mind on this.)
5) Go to work from 6p.m.-12a.m. (I'm just a poor kid. Not working=no income=the sad case me)
6) Shower then online. (What make you think I can live without online for a day. Lol.)
7) Sleep. (After a tiring day, sure la get my beuty rest. Duhhh!!!)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Rain after the draught.
Soooooo miss him okay, after 6 days of not seeing him.
This is why I don't like holidays nowadays. Lol.
Holidays= No uni= Unable to see Nigel =/
As for today, we call it a study date.
I reached his house at about 11.20am (Paiseh, I was late by 20 minutes. Hehe.)
Met Uncle and Sabrina.
After "hi, hello" with them, we started on the revision.
Terms for Radio Broadcasting.
Okay laa...
I must admit that Nigel's way of memorising all the terms is quite effective.
I memorised half of the terms before it was time to pick Joanna from Assunta Secondary School.
I got my massage session tooo..
While on the way to pick her up, we saw a rat 'hop' like a mini kangaroo.
"Arrrr!!!! "
*slams on the break*
"Why you emergency brake like this? Behind got car la."
"No... You see that rat!"
"It just a rat laa... You're inside the car, so scared for what?"
"I'm not afraid of the rat laa.. It's so cute 'hoping' like that. Hehe. "
Really damn cute I tell you.
The rat was like so tiny.
I blamed Nigel for not fast enough to take a pic on that.
Sorry dear, I can't help it.
The traffic of the Gate C of Assunta School was really horrible, terrible and vegetable.
Ish ish.
All the cars park on the both side of the super narrow road like nobody's business.
Then, one auntie I don't know she's a buta huruf or she was having brain damage.
Hello! Jalan sehala ni! You tak pernah pergi ke sekolah ka?
Dah la come against the way, stop at the middle of the road pulak.
I give you half a peace baru you tau. mlm
After came out from the school, I went to feed the car with petrol while Nigel thinking where to have our lunch.
Due to Nigel is very picky (Lol. =D One factthat me and Joanna agreed on.), and also we are broke, we ended up in some coffe shop.
I was so happy when I saw Tom Yam stall.
But then, actually I regret ordered from that stall.
The Tom Yam meehun is sucks!
The prawn not fresh at all.
RM5.50 somemore.
It started raining cats and dogs not long after we finish our lunch.
So, get wet time.
My small umbrealla cannot afford to protect 2 people from not getting wet.
Nigel was the victim.
Wet wet cause he was the one who 'usher' us.
Kesian. Lol.
I stayed for an hour longer than the time I was supposed to go home.
It was raining cats and dogs, so it's quite dangerous so drive marr...
Somemore I can kacau Nigel longer, so why not?
Uncle also asked if I'm staying for dinner.
Sorry la, I can't.
First, I paiseh. Second, I was supposed to go home earlier.
Then, when his mom almost back from work.
I balik cause I took her parking.
Pai seh.
Nigel told me that his mom emo him cause she was the only one in the family who has not meet me yet.
And she loves the chocs I made for Nigel.
Okay laa Auntie, I make for you next time k?
Also, apparently Uncle parked his car at other place so that I don't have to move my car for Auntie.
But we didn't know that, and so I went back, and now Auntie emo with Nigel.
I just realize the whole post entry is so Nigel!
Sorry laa...
Bare with me.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Massage me.
I'm dying.
Whole body aching.
Stupid wei, the guard is so damn bloody babi!
Cannot see I got 9 boxes of stocks have to unload is it?
Make me go all the way to car park.
Lucky thing the guard down there helped me.
I sesat on the way to Fitness First, Damansara Height.
People over there.
Muscle man banyak, Hot guys banyak, Mat Salleh banyak, hot and pretty girls.. Very sedikit.
Btw, some pics here.
Damn lazy want to talk bout it today.
Wait til last day only summarize.
Goodnight. Bye.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
More things to do.
"Yerr, how come I don't have little mouse (muscle) wan?"
"Got la,.. Who say don't have? *Point at budak's arm* You see? Got a little mouse here. So you must train harder to make it more obvious"
"Okay *Happy*"
Overheard the conversation when I was standing nearby the table of them.
So cute la this boy.
He has a pair of single eyelids eyes, eyes not that smal though.
He somemore show like __(^.^)__
Kids are cute!
Tomorrow have to go show my skill of approaching customer to the Lam Soon boss, the client.
Have to fully make up some more, mafan betul.
By the way, don't get me wrong!
I'm not working as GRO or whatever, will be working as promoter for Antabax.
3 weeks in different branches of Fitness First, during exams, and I haven tell parents about it.
Wonder what's their reaction when they find out.
Told Nigel.
Initially, he went =.=
But after he checked on the exams schedule, he said it's okay if I can manage it.
Huhu ^^
I quite scared la.
Tomorrow have to drive to Damansara Height alone.
Load all the stocks alone.
Set up the booth alone. (Hopefully I won't tear down the booth, cause I wasn't teach how to set it up and Mun Mun who is my supervisor will be having exams and only reach around 8.30pm. That will be 1 hour before I finish work.)
How now?
So gan cheong la.
Later I don't know how to handle those customers really can die.
Think I'll just crap only la.
And now, I have to memorise some of my script when approaching the customers.
"Hi, good evening."
"May I introduce you to the Antabax shower cream?"
"Antabax is a new anti-bacterial shower cream which has dual action skin formulation in protect and care. Protect is highlighted with 99% better germs protection than any other ordinary shower cream whereas care will be emphasize on the skin health benefits with it added skin vitamins and essential oil. It comes with 3 variants."
"(Let customers sniff on the products) This is Antabax Fresh with Eucalyptus and pepper oil that can energize the long lasting freshness. (Hand customer another bottle) This is Antabax Herbal. It is a combination of lavendar, rosemary, sage, tyme that help to smoothen and moisturize your skin. (Hand anohter bottle) This is Antabax Deoderant with Bergamot oil that helps to remove body odor."
"We are currently having a special pormotion exclusively for the Fitness First members. For each of the 250ml will get a 70ml FOC at only RM4.99. Whereas, for the 650ml, you will get a 250ml FOC at only RM10.99. The normal price for the 250ml will be RM5.90 and 650ml will be RM13.90. So, whould you like to have one?"
"(After purchase) Thanks and have a nice day!"
Gonna repeat this for don't know how many times tomorrow.
Ohh, sedih.
But, think of the pay that I'm getting.
One more thing, I'm require to fully make up.
Foundation, powder, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blusher, lipstick.
I damn malas wei want to make up like this.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Coke makes me high.
We very the berjodoh laa...
Like that also can bump into you this morning.
By the way, I still love white white!
After 2 weeks, Nigel and I finally get to watch AWAKE!
I wait until my neck also long long already.
Oh well, the story was so different compare to what we thought of initially.
But, is nice.
Jessica Alba first time act as the bad one.
Not bad, not bad.
The twist and turn make me so gan cheong.
When the doctor was performing the cutting Hayden Christansen's chest and take out the heart all that.
Before the movie starts, we had like one hour to kill.
So we went hang gai gai pak tor. =)
Bump into Titus and Stefanie working as perfume promoter.
Itchy me go ask them spray perfume on me, I ended up so the perfume-ish.
I laugh non-stop like some crazy girl when we walk walk.
Somemore this Nigel keeps make me laugh after I paused for while.
I guess.
Coke makes me high.
Went in to Sasa and Watson to check up on the mascara.
Mine habis.
Desperately need one, but no money.
Sob sob. ='(
I have three in mind.



I tell you.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Get me a washing machine please.
Saw this car, HONDA PUYO.
Cute laa..





Wednesday, April 9, 2008
We Made it!
My group was one of groups with highest marks for the Radio Broadcasting assignment.
The other 2 groups were Nigel's, Dominic's.
Damn bangga wei.
Same marks as Nigel they all.
They somemore got high expectation from Dr. Yap!
Damn proud! Damn happy!
Tonight no need to sleep already. (Okay, I was joking only.)
Dr. Yap commented Nigel's as Criminal group, Mine as Very Cute group, Dominic's as All Die group.
She said my group overall good.
Manage balance between all the tasks given.
However, she said all of our voice are too cute to conduct news program.
More suitable to conduct children program.
Attention to all Producer for children programmes,
Please look for the me, Alice Chua if you need a host for children program.
I love children alot and I have several experiences in dealing with children and I do know a little about children psychology.
I am very friendly.
On the other hand, we celebrated Meimei's 20th in advance this afternoon, in Brisik Cafe in Jaya One.
I like the atmosphere over there.
A very nice place to camwhore.
All pics are with Puiks.
So, no pics til I got it from her.
I got to know Daddy Wayne, Auntie Eve, Ah Giap, Bluey.
Thanks dear for sharing his friends with me.
I feel rather left out now.
The story actually went like this.
I was returning C n R tips to HW.
All of them were sitting in this particular discussion room.
All of them means Claypot'ians and Emo'ians.
They were happily discussing about some new names for members.
I went in to the room just to return that notes.
I left.
Nobody say anything.
I feel damn sad.
I don't know how to communicate with them anymore.
I'm still smiling.
I'm hiding my sad face.
I'm here.
Cause I need to type out my sadness.
I put 'Lol' after every sentence because I'm too weak.
I feel terrible now.
I feel so lonely.
The End.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sleep Deprive.
I'm supposed to go for class today.
But, I'm sick.
Yesternight was chatting halfway with Nigel, then suddenly the whole world is spinning.
I can't even walk straight.
Struggle all the way to the bedroom and rest for 40 minutes.
Sick betul.
I was on the bed at 10.30pm.
I have finally done with the Radio Broadcast report.
3 something in the morning, Monday.
I woke up at 5.45am after that.
2 hours plus of sleep make me look like a zombie in uni.
Classmates all asking me the same thing.
"What happen to you? Why you look so tired?"
Memang laa ini macam when I have only 2 hours plus of sleep.
I was chilling out with the rest at cafeteria afterI hand up the assignment till someone asked me where's my stuff?
Then only I realise, my laptop is not with me!
Where did I left my laptop?
*think hard*
Rushed to the first floor and found my laptop was safely lying on the table with other students sitting around.
Sorry, laptop.
After that, it was Intro to Advertising class.
Was bangga a little to found out I got the highest marks in Tutorial 1 for Ads my midterm and assignments.
(But then, only in Tutorial 1 not the whole class laa... Hehe.)
It wasn't long before I open my file and saw one of the important parts of the report was lying in between papers I kept.
How can this possible be?
I thought I've check properly before I hand the assignment?
I'm so gonna die flat this time.
By the time I reached the office, the lecturer has already took away the assignment box.
Oh, what should I do?
Then, I saw few of the other groups reached after that.
Aparently, there are still few of them who not yet hand up the report.
So, it's not that bad for me after all.
Several calls been made and I was told that I can mail the soft copy to the lecturer.
Oh yay!
My part is settled.
I nap for almost 3 hours after I got back.
Guess what?
The other day, RM10 that I short when I was closing the account, was another actually with the manager.
I'm not that lousy after all.
The boyfriend is on work from 7am-7pm today.
Miss him.
Time, please move faster today.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Yesterday was a Saturday.
It was the screening day for the year 2 sem 3 seniors.
8am in PB Auditorium 3.
Nigel acted in one of the TV filler and a short film, To Be Or Not To Be.
You see ah...
By the time we reached there, its already 8.15am.
So, I was thinking, sure late already.
But then, I guess, Malaysian timing is the term for it.
And, technical problems somemore.
Its like every time after a TV filler was play, sure have to stop for a little while to fix the so call technical problems.
Lousy betul, tak boleh tahan!
I laughed until stomach pain when saw Nigel acts as a Malay guy.
The Baju Melayu look and prays like a Malay.
Name pulak is Nigel.
Mat Salleh punya nama la tu.
I almost cried when I watch To Be Or Not To Be.
Sasha was very good in the crying scene.
However, due to Nigel was the one who hugged her in that scene.
My tears came out halfway then I burst out laughing pulak.
I paling like the part Nigel confessed to her.
Touching touching.
Sobs ='(
Out of all the short film they show, THE BEST will go to The Last Exit.
The story, the way they shoot the film, the way they edit, the original sound tracks by themselves, the house they did the shooting, their effort.
After The Last Exit, the standard suddenly drop to a very lame short film, which I don't think I should reveal the name.
I don't mind watching the other short film after that.
But then, the one sitting next to me very mind to stay for any longer, cause he tak boleh tahan the lame-ness and he don't understand Cina, Cantonese and he was extremely sleepy.
So, we left earlier.
Lunch at Section 14, after that walk around in Digital Mall.
I went to ask for the price to upgrade my laptop's ram.
1 GB for RM70, 2 GB for RM150.
Now, tell me.
How can this be possbile?
Bought my printer ink and I bumped into Kawai.
He said I've grown up a lot.
What is that supposed to mean?
Ish ish.
We have about an hour to kill till Nigel's job briefing.
So, I parked the car along PB and we have our boding session. (So call laa..)
He already halfway to the Dreamland when I asked him for his phone.
He thought I want to play with the games in the phone.
He din know I actually wanted to...
Shhhh... He's sleeping.







Saturday, April 5, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
My essentials.
Living Forever lipbalm, essential for my lips.
My lips and skin are consider as DRY DRY DRY!
With the UTAR air-cond blowing directly on the lips and skin, they will be lagi DRY!
This is when the lipbalm and lotion come in handy.
Huhu. ^^
Living Forever's lipbalm is by far my favourite out of so many other brands of lipbalm I've tried before.
It won't dry dat easily so I don't have to keep on applying it and won't leave layers of white white thingy on the lips.
Also, I love the taste of it.
Johnson's Baby Milk Lotion has always been my FIRST choice!
I love milk!
Which ever milk products will attract me.
I smell nice with the lotion.
I love the way I smell after I apply the lotion.
He loves the smell toooo...
But then, one thing is...
He don't let me apply those two essentials on him.
He looks and smell nice with them too.
I must brain wash him!
Anyone wants to help me with this?
Muahahaha XD
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Not too much.
I got freak out, badly.
I saw an Indian old man in the mamak.
He reminds me of grandpa.
I missed grandpa, and grandma.
I stared at him, for a long time, till Nigel call me.
Mcflurry doesn't help much for this time.
I feel extremely weird and disturbed.
Bukit Gasing will not be my favourite place.
I dislike certain types of doggies.
I totally hate Malaysian's police.
Don't ask me why...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Four in One.
Today's the Aprilfool!
If days were before uni, sure will be a lot of interesting stuff going on.
As for this year, no prank no nothing.
Everyone seems to be tension and rushing against time.
I wonder do they ever remember about the day.
The one and only interesting thing I saw was, someone's car kena painted.
At first all of us went like O.o, what did that fella do la, til people want to paint the car like that.
Like kena from Ah Long only.
Then, apparently it was an Aprilfool's prank.
All these foundation people really have got nothing better to do.
(Note: I just kena prank by Khai Yang. -__________- )
Leslie's day is today too.
To think of 5 years ago, when I heard about the news of Leslie's Chung commited suicide by jumped down from the 24th floor.
I seriously couldn't accept the fact that he comited suicide!
I thought it was a joke.
Didn't expect to get such news, not in that day.
I don't want to prank people on this day already.
Guess what?
I received a hand-made card/paper with the black and white pic and very touching message.
So sweettt...
Happy FIRST month anniversary!
Geli geli words all I shall tell you face to face.
Doggies, please stay away from us.