Friday, July 20, 2007

My Laptop!

Forgetful me.

Almost got heart attack.
I left my laptop in the campus cafetaria!

Only realise after 10 minutes I left the cafetaria.
And my first reaction was


Was wearing heels. But, can't think much.
My laptop. Argh! =/
How can I forget about my laptop?! Stupid me.
I saw it was safely remain at the place where I left it.
Thank God!


BC1 had public speaking presentation.
Everyone can talk on any topic they want.
I choose to talk bout
"Experience dealing with childrens"

I brought along the pics I took with those childrens in kindi.
Most of the classmates saw,
What they say to me is,
"Eh, I thought you were one of them?"
Ish ish. I where got as small size as them?

Am waiting my turn to present on next week =)

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