Sunday, July 29, 2007

I love ya'll!!

I talked to Jo.
I talked to Vind.
I talked to Ming.
I feel much.. Better.
They make me feel the friendship.
By always be there for me when I'm in need.


I went to Subang Parade today.
Suppose to send my Nike shoe to the repair shop but end up didn't la.
And so, I went to look for Ming in Carrefour.
Learn lotsa facts of life from him.
And we talk alot as thou there's no tomorrow.
Really had fun crapping with him.
We were thinking to have reunion once in a month.
Hmmm.. Wonder if this works?

Just receive message from Vind.
Even when he's so far away, but he never fail to give me advice and support when I'm really running low of spirit.
Always make sure that nobody bully me.
And all the caring and concern parts.

He's the best kor I've ever had.
Love him lots!
And I miss him too.

Kim and Jo.
The best jimui I've ever had.
They are now in Singapore.
Thank God!
The canggih technology keep us in touch.
Can't imagine life without both of them.
Who understand me more than anyone.
Who listen to all my nonsence eventhou they have lotsa lotsa things to do.
Love you gals!
Am counting the days to September.


Will be going to KY's house tomorrow.
For Communicative English presentation's discussion.
Hoping that we will come out with something fun and creactive.
Hope to see KY play his piano and keyboard. ^^
And, I'm bringing my guitar for him to tune.

Am starting my guitar class. Next month.

P/s : Vind, thanks for letting me know that I'm a great person and you do appreciate me lots!

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